
I am an absolute WHORE for pop culture! Welcome to my obsession!


Down with Mel Gibson!

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Thing I learned today

Apparently, I am wrong. I thought "Pop Muzik" by M was an 80's song. Technically, it was released August 11, 1979. But it stayed on the charts for 24 weeks, which took the song all the way into February of 1980. So it was kinda sorta an 80's song and a 70's song!
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What was hot in June on the 'Net?

According to the Center for Media Research, the hot sites online were Yahoo's World Cup site, YouTube, ESPN, Photobucket and MySpace. The top ten gaining categories were (in order) gay/lesbian, online gambling, coupons, teens, gaming info, hotels/resorts, toys, travel info, retail-movies, and classifieds.

Pam and Kid are married

Shall we begin the pool on how long it will last? I will be generous and give it three years.

Yawn. VMA nominees announced.

These nominations are so boring. So blah. Is it that the nominations are crap or is it that the videos just aren't exciting anymore? Here's the complete list of the nominiees. Look -- we all love the Shakira video, but who wouldn't? Shakira videos are easy. She dresses skimpy and does her belly dancing bit and we swoon. We're weak; she's hot, she dances us into a trance. But is it worthy of Video of the Year? And is Madonna's "Hung Up?" And James Blunt got nominated? Ew. Oh well, you knew that was coming...

Is Mel Gibson on Hezbollah's payroll or something?

Seriously. Why is he suck a dick? Why does he hate Jews so much? Did a hot Jewish girl dump him or something? I mean, what is his problem? He said horrible things about Jews during a recent traffic stop like "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." He sounds like he works for Hezbollah! He sounds like he's a citizen of Lebanon! He sounds like he lives in Syria. And those places can take him, for all I care. Jerk.


Creepy, but cool

US Magazine has this creepy new morph page where you can see how celeb offspring will age. I think Britney's kid might actually end up looking like that if he can rise above all the physical and mental abuse he's enduring. But I think Madonna's kids are way off -- they don't look like Madonna or Guy in these morphs!

Mentos and Diet Coke Rockets

Can you really make a rocket with some Mentos and Diet Coke? Sounds like some 7-11 fun! Check it out:

Watch how the guy in the tight shorts does it:

Watch this show.

I know. You're thinking that "Sicemation" stuff on MTV2 late at night is sophmoric and just more Beavis and Butthead kind of crap. But you would be wrong. I don't know how it happened, but the PopWhore has gotten way into watching the very smart and funny "Where My Dogs At?" on MTV2. I believe it is MTV. It's that MTV channel that plays TV shows...Yeah, that's both of them. See where it gets confusing?

Anyway, it's so funny and makes fun of everything in pop culture from Misha Barton's skeletal skinniness to the vapid Katie Holmes and her L. Ron boyfriend, Tom Cruise. I especially loved the episode involving Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown! So funny!

My boyfriend and I make this Mischa Barton sound every time we see a chick that needs a meal of solid food and carbs:

Here's a little vignette about what happened to the Neverland Ranch after Michael Jackson skipped the country for the one place where he could simultaneously cover up his busted face and dress like a woman in peace...Bahrain:

OldWhore: A PopWhore Flashback to Every Which Way But Loose!

Sometimes, the PopWhore gets classic. As in today's case, as I am reminiscing over a favorite movie from 1978, Every Which Way But Loose starring Clint Eastwood and Clyde the orangutan.

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Loved the chick with the name Echo. (What's your name? Echo. What?) My mom always liked the cranky old lady that would complain about Clyde's hygiene. (Crappin' here, crappin' there...) But we all especially love "Right turn Clyde."



Yes, I'm still sitting in front of the TV watching Vh1. Sally Struthers was just on Best Week Ever. She looked horrible. She looked like Sam Kinnison. And we all know where he is now...

I just don't speak Dixie Chick

Forgive me for being a total moron here, but is this "Not Ready to Make Nice" song their response to the big deal that was made about them for speaking out against President Bush? I'm watching the Vh1 Top 20 Countdown right now and the video is on, so I'm just wondering. It's kind of a strange video by the way. Maybe it's too high-art for this blonde, too conceptual for my ditzy little self to "get" really... Yeah, let's rub black stuff on the white dress! I have to say though, he makeup is awesome! Oh, it's the #1 video! Check that out. I like the song, just want the story behind it.


Trawling on iTunes today

I noticed Gnarlsl Barkley's "Crazy" is still #1, Metallica's catolog is online now, I wasn't impressed with all the songs on Nelly Furtado's "Loose," but a few were catchy, and iTunes is charching $38 and some odd cents for 39 chick songs, a couple of which I already downloaded as free singles because they were the iTunes download of the week. But still, trawling iTunes on a humid monsoon afternoon is great pop culture entertainment. Oh yeah, and that Fergie single, "London Bridge" sucks. Horrible. Don't waste your time...then again, I hated "My Humps" by BEP and it was a huge hit. Still hate it. I also hate anything by Fallout Boy...another hot band. What do I know? I also hate Jack Johnson, just so you know.

Breaking News! Lance Bass is gay!

LMAO! Seriously. That's the funniest thing I ever heard. I hate to turn this into a boy band blog, but honestly...this is the funniest news story I've heard all day. In other news today from the land of the obvious, Charlie Sheen announces he is a sex addict, Michael Jackson announces he is a pervert and Roseanne Barr announces she is fat. Next.


Justin Timberlake every time I turn around today

He's everywhere! Can we just call him Jesus? I see the "Sexy Back" video on YouTube this morning because it's one of the day's most viewed videos. (See two posts down for the video). Then I decide I like the "Sexy Back" song and think to myself, "yes, it's about time someone brought sexy back. You go JT!" Then I come home and watch TRL for once, which I like to do from time to time because I think it keeps me young. What video is premiered today? Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back!" After TRL, I think I am finally safe from his sexy grip when MTV premiers the half-hour Making the Video special for none other than "Sexy Back." So I watch it as I begin my yoga practice and ponder how nice it would be if a yoga class would merge pop culture and asana. Just now, I log onto Technorati and find a brand new post about "Sexy Back" on Steroegum! Can we declare today Justin Timberlake day? I really do like that song.

Is Kevin Federline worth 20 grand?

I think not, but you know it will ultimately cost Britney Spears much more than that to divorce the guy. He's worth millions (eventually) just for that alone. Esterman Entertainment is pimping him for $20,000 if you would like him to come to your establishment to host a listening party for his new CD. The company also says he won't perform and you have to pay expenses for 4 people. Oh yeah, and his new music video is out next month. Twenty grand is a lot of money...the missus must have cut off his allowance. Or the child support payment was upped. One of the two...

Oh, no. I am too old for this. But I LIKE it!

There's a new Justin Timberlake video. Those six words never excited me before, but I really like this song "Sexy Back." One look at this and you will just know he was always too much man for redneck white trash whore Britney Spears.


Los Lonely Boy Arrested

Just saw on the CNN crawl that one of the Los Lonely Boys was arrested in Austin on marijuana charges Saturday. Maybe they should rename the band "Los Stonely Boys..." What, can't a girl get a rimshot around here? Sheesh.

Millions forced out of their homes Saturday night

Tonight, millions have been forced out of their homes and away from MySpace due to some sort of technical glitch at what has become America's #1 most-visited website.

The social road minus the world's most famous HTML interface of fun and frolick is said to be difficult as millions must get used to face-to-face communication skills once more.

Many are said to be going through extreme withdrawal as they are separated from aimless surveys and YouTube comments.

Those who couldn't work up the courage to leave their homes have stayed home in search of old-school time occupiers like video games, DVDs or books. Others have turned to the blogosphere such as myself. As you can see, I spent some quality time on creating AdSense banners that clash with my page. Others still are...how should I say this? A lot of babies are about to be born in about nine months...

My favorite viral video of the week!

This is the best! This is, to this day, still the only video game I have ever played with anything even closely resembling skill. I miss it. I don't think it's on the Atari Flashback thingy that came out around last Christmas. I tried to play Ms. Packman last weekend at Jillians but it kicked my ass. I'm only good at low-skill old-school video games...or maybe just Space Invaders. This is very cool; it will take you back! There is a certain human nature to this game...

Damn, when did fake toenails happen?

Seriously! There is such a thing as fake toenails. I never knew! First off, I'm watching Made on MTV and you know you watch it too; the only difference between us is that I admit it freely. I'm an open book, hence the 4 blogs. I am not kidding either. I have a very well-educated male friend who is a couple years older than me and definitely in a higher tax bracket than me who watches all the teen shows on MTV like Laguna Beach. In public, he is the most responsible and professional guy you'll ever see but at home, he's living vicariously through the lives of the teens we see on MTV. Maybe it's the only way we can recapture our youth, or at least what our youth would be like if it involved tanning salons, status purses, Motorola Razors, text messaging and MySpace. Had we had all this gadgetry available ten years ago, my formative years would have been much more fruitful.

But I digress.

So I'm watching Made and this chick wants to be a rugby player instead of a girly girl who tans so much she is orange but still continues to tan despite the fact that it costs her $800/year and desptie the fact that all the kids at school make fun of her. Her "Made coach" starts picking apart her girliness the moment he meets her, which means he picks on her for having fake toenails. When did fake toenails come along? Are there really people walking around right now wearing fake toenails along with their fake fingernails? What else can we fake? Is nothing sacred anymore? Who gives so much thought to toenails? Oh...I guess I just wrote a blog about them...


Spike Lee Couples Off with NBC

Spike Lee has just signed up with NBC to produce a new drama series for the network. That should be interesting! Can't wait.


The second coming of Aaliyah

Is it just me, or does this photo of Ciara on her MySpace page remind you of Aaliyah? If not, check out the Field Mob/Ciara video for "So What." Especially the part of the video where she's wearing the black sports bra and pants.

If she does not remind you of Aaliyah, I don't know what is wrong with you!


My favorite character in Pirates is Tia Dalma

Tia Dalma, played by Naomia Harris, was my favorite character in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest." Check out the photo below; she's gorgeous out of the crazy Tia Dalma get-up. She was the perfect compliment to Captain Jack Sparrow!

Here is Naomie Harris in real life

She's gorgeous! Photo by Steve Granitz copyright WireImage.com.


Recycling Crystal Waters = Awesome Summer Song!

I fell in love with the new T.I. song, "Why You Wanna," but was haunted by the sample in the song. I am too young not to be able to remember these good old songs! I suffered for a mere 4 hours before my coworker (OK, boss-type person) at the Peak, Steve Douglas, answered my desperate plea on my MySpace page for someone to please tell me the name of the song T.I.'s sample was taken from. And the great oracle of musical knowledge known as Steve Douglas says it's Crystal Waters "Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)." What, you don't remember the song? Refresh your memory!


Platinum Weird -- I believe! I believe!

This was the best! It was on Wednesday, and was just a riot. "Borat" reminded me about it in a comment post below... VH1 did such a good job they almost had me going. Actually, it was so good I wanted them to have me going! I wanted to play along with the Platinum Weird schtick!


While you were singing Elvis songs with President Bush...

There's a terrible irony at hand here. Did you manage to see Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi last week singing Elvis Presley songs at Graceland with President Bush? While he was out having fun with Bushie, Kim Jong-il was back in Koizumi's corner of the world planning all manner of missile havoc. While I firmly believe (some) world leaders are human and have hobbies such as singing Elvis songs with everybody's favorite president and should furthermore be allowed to enjoy these hobbies, I also believe poor Koizumi got caught with his pants down as a world leader. He wasn't working very hard last week, but Kim Jong-il sure was! He's pretty lucky Japan is still around after that... But hey, sweet sunglasses, Junichiro. The Pop Whore thinks you have what it takes to make it on American Idol...as the next William Hung!

Here's footage of his Elvis hip-swivel:

Apparently, this singing in public thing is nothing new for the Japanese Prime Minister. Here's footage of him singing on CNN back in the Bill Hemmer days.


Paris vs. Osama

I am not sure which is worse, the new Paris Hilton video, or the new Osama bin Laden video. Both videos are from total brainwashed idiots with too much time and money on their hands, along with extremely misplaced ambition. Who knew Paris and Osama had so much in common? Paris Hilton just may be public enemy no. 2... Can we make it an American priority to exterminate her after we kill Osama?

Proof our civilization really is evolving

If a brother can rap about skateboarding, well, we're getting somewhere. I have noticed with the advent of Lupe Fiasco that skateboarding isn't just for slacker white kids anymore. Maybe it never was, but still, a stigma remains. Mr. Fiasco has already crushed that stigma in my mind with his song "Kick Push." Nice song!


My favorite columnist writes about my favorite thing -- pop!

My favorite columnist, Mark Morford, at Sfgate.com has written about the current agony and ecstasy of pop music. I'm talking about Paris Hilton (the agony) and Christina Aguilera (the ecstasy)! To be honest, I haven't made the effort to listen to the Hilton song and can't say I ever will. I've actually tried to avoid it at all costs. But the Christina song is something I can't get enough of.

The mystery of The Hot Pussycat Doll is solved

It turns out both my boyfriend and I were wrong about the nationality of Nicole Sherzinger, a.k.a. The Hot Pussycat Doll. Not that we're one of those couples that does nothing but sit home and watch music videos all the time. Because we're not. Sometimes, we have sex.

So his money was on Egyptian or Indian. I said I was guessing she'd be Mexican/Irish because I just knew she was a mix of something exotic. We were both wrong. Well, at least he was because Nicole Sherzinger does turn out to be a mix of something exotic. She came from a Filipino father and a mother who was Hawaiian/Russian. That's according to a Nicole Sherzinger fan site.

I am hereby crowning myself the Pop Whore

No, Pop Whore In Chief. That makes me sound like a much more important Pop Whore. My latest pop obsessions are, in no particular order:

Gnarls Barkley, Making the Band 3, that horrible Connie Chung viral video, Web Junk 20, Natasha Bedingfield and trying to find out the nationality of the hottest Pussycat Doll. What is she? Persian? Indian? Mexican and Irish? My boyfriend and I have been wondering. I also LOVE Hogan Knows Best. And I'm struck by how talented his daughter is. Really. At first, I thought the show was just a thinly veiled attempt to launch his daughter's career as the next talentless Britney Spears. Countdown to the trailer park, in other words. But I was pleasantly shocked to see she can sing, dance and play an instrument. She's a pop star with substance! And drop dead gorgeous, might I add. She has it all -- even a crusty-diamond grill from Paul Wall. I love it!

Welcome to Pop Whore!

I am a whore for pop culture and that is what this blog is about.