
I am an absolute WHORE for pop culture! Welcome to my obsession!


Is Beyonce coked out?

That's what April says anyway...saw her on some show and said she looked coked out. Blames Jay-Z. I dunno...I'm still broken up about what has happened to Whitney Houston, so if Beyone IS in fact coked out, then I have chosen the position of denial.

Meanwhile...a little bird told me Ricky Henderson's house in all-white-tukee looks like a bottle of pepto blew up inside of it. Sounds like Ricky lost the battle of the paint to his wife and daughters. It's OK, Ricky, we still know you're a man's man. I grew up as an A's fan and I KNOW!

I think I might have to start watching this show.


Chad Vader is good enough for Good Morning America

The geeks who created this made the big time, premiering this episode right here on Good Morning America:

I'll let them explain:


This explains a lot about Paris Hilton.

But you should have already assumed she may just be a pothead. That would explain her recent admission that she's not too smart and also forgetful. With her vast fortune and free time combined with her celebrity status, there's no doubt in my mind Ms. Hilton has been exposed to a variety of "lifestyle temptations" in her day.

So is this a bag of weed in her overly-priced handbag? Do we care? Does it make her a better or worse person? Does this now mean she -- behind closed doors -- wears Birkenstocks (the horror!) and hemp and smokes a fattie while listening to Jack Johnson and Sublime and rolling her celebutante fatties on top of a High Times magazine? Will her next fashion look be Santa Cruz chic? A hoody, a long skirt and some beads? Will she pull a McConaughey and take a trip to Berkeley to play bongos naked in the drum circle? Will she join Jimmy Buffett and tell us to Save The Manatee? Will she become a true dirty hippie and stop bathing? Shop at Whole Foods? Go vegan? Tout the wonderful facts Al Gore speaks of in his film An Inconvenient Truth?

I would rather enjoy a stoned hippie version of Paris...wouldn't that be refreshing? Dreadlocks and rastafarianism? Ok. Now I'm getting carried away.

A vapid heiress who can't even help checking out her own knockers...

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The one and only...is he Paris' inspiration for the current contents of her purse?

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Two new shows on TV I like.

1. I like Heroes. It's interesting. And to my horror, I just found out it sci-fi! Eek. I can't believe I fell for a sci-fi show. But it's about people with gifts like claivoyance and occult-stuff like that, which I dig. So if that's sci-fi, I'll take it. A superhuman cheerleader whose injuries heal instantly? It's about time! I really like the painter character who paints things that haven't come to pass yet. I'll be tuning in to this show for sure.

2. I also *think* I like Ugly Betty on ABC. I say think because I haven't watched a full episode yet. I have seen short videos on the ABC website and I must admit, I love the smart premise. I do think it's so utterly basic and predictable, but in a brilliant "why didn't I think of that?" kind of way. It also brought in 16 million viewers with its debut, making it the most watched thing around! So now I HAVE to watch it. I'm going to catch up now and watch the first episode online.

Should I buy the new Killers album?

Oh, the deep thoughts I have. I really like that song, When you were young by the Killers and I do know the boyfriend already likes the Killers. So this could be a cool band we could both like? Possibly a musical taste we can share?

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by rebelyons