
I am an absolute WHORE for pop culture! Welcome to my obsession!


Bye Pluto!

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Pluto may be gone from our solar system, but the former planet is not forgotten. Actually, here is a pretty funny blog about the whole 9th planet debacle. I guess we only have eight planets now...and somewhere, there's still a group of kids getting this question wrong on a test regardless.

Putting the "whore" back in "pop" is the new, morning after pill you can pop. Oh, if only this had been around in Courtney Love's mom's day...and in Paris Hilton's mom's day...you get the picture. At any rate, it's not your momma's birth control!

On my list of movies to see is still the Al Gore "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary. Yes, I want the book too. Though I also might have to sneak off to see Little Miss Sunshine soon because I have heard so many good things about it!

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What the PopWhore has been up to

The PopWhore is actually a paid writer (me) and has been busy writing the Peak Dope.

I've also been checking out the acoustic "Hey Ya" and wondering why it took so long for this to come out. It's lovely:

You remember the song. It's the one that made Outkast mainstream. Oh yes, they most certainly were with that song, which is something I never dreamed would happen!

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Don't forget to check out Post Secret!

I am above discussing That Damn Movie, which I will hereby refer to as TDM. I think there is a legion of folks online who care about it much more than I. I am waiting for a truly scary flick, "Liquids On a Plane" to come out. Now that would put fear in the hearts of freedom-loving peoples everywhere! The shock and awe of it! It's too much to handle!

Spike Lee has a documentary on Hurricane Katrina tonight on HBO. He kicks ass. Those poor people got burnt bad with that whole thing, start to finish...if we ever finish off that mess. We're nowhere near! It's a sad thing to see in America.

I, PopWhore in Chief, have also been falling for Kasabian today.

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Disturbed with another Phil Collins cover!

Love it! Just like I loved Disturbed's over of the Phil Collins song "In the Air Tonight," I am loving their latest Phil cover of "Land of Confusion." It sounds great! Which Phil Collins song could be next? Wouldn't "A Groovy Kind of Love" sound great in heavy metal? How about "Can't Hurry Love?" Not that would be awesome! "Take Me Home" would be too obvious but "Sussudio" would be great!

Listen at once to Disturbed's version of "Land of Confusion!" Disturbed tells Blender magazine the song is still relevant in today's "chaotic" times.


Yes, Gay NASCAR fans, you can come out now.

Betty Jack has got your back! Check out Gaytona.com, the website for Gay NASCAR fans. I just always knew that drag queens and NASCAR went together. Enough with the straight-honky bravado and machismo. Gay folks like to watch stock cars go 'round the 'ol track too! Yee-haw! This is the perfect edition to our pop culture following this year's release of Brokeback Mountain. Didn't see the film? Here's the 30-second breakdown:

This is one of my favorite podcasts -- Ask a Ninja!

This guy is so funny, and we're talking smart-funny here. I love his creativity with the "Ask a Ninja" series. I began downloading the podcast recentely, being the aboslute podcast whore that I am. You can also watch "Ask a Ninja" on YouTube if you are totally iTunes illiterate. And how could one be iTunes illiterate? That is too sad. Hopefully, I will influence you to better your digital literacy.

Here's the ninja:

Is this going to be a new show this fall?

It kind of reminds me of The Office or Arrested Development. Check it out:


This is really bad. Maybe she was always a ditz...or was her brain fried by drugs? Maybe that is how that piece of caucasian debris Kevin Federline got her to become his baby-mamma; he must have drugged her! Oh! The conspiracy theory!

I only got 3/4 of the way through this. It was just too painful. Worse than the Matt Lauer interview.


Fun moments from last night's Flavor of Love premier

Girl with the weave ended up getting kicked out for this one:

Before God directs me to whoop your ass! Want some lip chap? I'm not from Compton; I'm from Crenshaw!

Oh no, that girl did not poo in the foyer!

I'm not falling for that one. I did not see a poo, therefore the poo didn't exist. Flavor of Love stooped a little low with that poop bit! I'll coin that one the great poop stoop. Supposedly, "Somethin'" pooped in the foyer after elimination...giving new meaning to "elimination." At any rate, I'm still a sucker for this show. So far, I think there are maybe two or three really hot chicks for Flav to choose from this season. My personal favorite is "Buckwild" though. I think she may be perfect for him. She's a 'hood black chick trapped in a white chick's body -- total wigga, at least the way she talks anyway... So funny! I might have to root for her. I'd love to see her with a platinum diamond grill over her gap-toothed mouth!

Ooh! Look what I found today!

Monica, one of my favorite singers, has a new album out on September 19. It is called The Makings of Me. I think I like the song "A Dozen Roses" the best so far. My second favorite is "Why Her?"


I am impressed. This is so cool!

Just when we were mourning the death of the music video 25 years after the birth of MTV (that birthday was Tuesday, BTW), along comes this gem from OK Go. This is the smartest thing I've seen in a music video since Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" came out with Christopher Walken doing his little dance. I do have to say though that I didn't first spot this video on MTV. I get my videos online now, so I guess I can say the medium has changed. I rarely watch MTV anymore, I guess I'm old enough to graduate to Vh1 which plays a little more "mature" fare, if you know what I mean. But when I want to see a muisc video, I can see them on demand now, online, at my leisure. Or right now, when I'm at work!

OK Go:

Fatboy Slim:

The birth of MTV, August 1, 1981:


Slayer news from Long Paul of KNAC.com

Paul sent this out in a MySpace bulletin today...so I just had to post it here.

The city of Fullerton, California has demanded that the SLAYER artwork be removed immediately from the 17 SLAYER bus benches scattered throughout the city. The bus benches, which "went up" over this past weekend, are promoting SLAYER's new album, "Christ Illusion." This past Monday (July 31), the city officials called the company that the band's record label (American) hired to put the ads in place, demanding that they remove the SLAYER ad/artwork, reportedly because they did not like the name of the band, which they feel refers to a murderer. They are also apparently offended by the antichrist and skull logo on the bench artwork.

Is this even funny?

I guess if I have to ask, I've answered my own question. I have told you before that I am YouTube-addicted, and it might be getting out of hand. I can't help watching these frightening Mr. Pregnant videos. I don't think they are funny enough, but still. They are like a train wreck. And there are so many of them! Thankfully, this one is short.


My current three web addictions

Oh. My. God. I just can't stop dividing my online time between Technorati, YouTube and MySpace. I am having just too much fun! On Technorati, I think I am falling in love with about five new blogs a day. YouTube -- where do I begin? I worship the Steven Colbert videos, Chad Vader the Day Shift Manager, and I can't wait to try that Mentos/Diet Coke rocket trick. And you know I wouldn't be normal if I weren't addicted to MySpace. I happen to think my page is the most pimp page of all my friends. They should envy me.

Here's my new favorite blog du jour. And here's the Steven Colbert Wikiality video. If you don't watch this, you won't be able to joke about wikiality over martinis this weekend.


There's a new episode!

I guess this is a series now. And it's a good thing too! This Chad Vader Day Shift Manager thing on YouTube is the best!

Video du Jour

Couldn't you just see President Bush doing something like this to Tony Snow, Dick Cheney or Condi Rice?

Rehab and backlash

That is what Mel Gibson is dealing with now. I saw on CNN yesterday afternoon that Gibson entered rehab. Wow. That's cool. I didn't know there was a rehab for anti-semitism. Too bad that wasn't around in Hitler's day... Think there's a similar rehab for racists? Homophobes?

I see today ABC has decided not to run a Mel Gibson-produced Holocaust mini-series now. Mel Gibson made a Holocaust mini-series? I'd just love to hear his take on the Holocaust. I bet he'd say the Jews are to blame for their own Holocaust or some other such gibberish that would only come from his mouth...jerk. Rehab can keep him. He will have nothing once he's out. He'll never work in Hollywood again. He may as well move to Lebanon and join Hezbollah -- that's the only organization that will ever give him a job at this point!